Friday, April 12, 2013

349 Days to my goal deadline. Tomorrow is the start of my new Weight Watchers week and its my self imposed start over/fresh start day!

My first (and only) 1/2 marathon

Before I initially lost my weight I never pictured myself as a runner. I think the only time you would of caught me running would of been from a ferocious tiger or maybe out of a burning house. After I lost my first 20 lbs I started walking, which surprisingly slowly turned into running. The next thing I knew I was registering for events like Run For The Cure (5k), Ottawa Race Weekend (10k), Perth Kilt Run (8k), I even did a HALF MARATHON, the Army Run.

My last race, 2012 Perth Kilt Run

Then I started to experience pain in my left foot. This started a cycle of physiotherapy, seeing a sports doctor, back to the sports doctor, an MRI, and back to the sports doctor. Where I received a diagnosis of Sinus Tarsi Syndrome. The end result the best treatment was a x-ray guided cortisone injection into a small area between the heel and ankle bone. This whole process started at the end of July and the injection finally happened March 22nd. After a couple of days of taking it easy I was ready to re-start my running journey! Then my back went out.

So I'm finally ready to REALLY start over. See, my iPhone is primed with some of my favourite music and apps. I love the Nike+ GPS app, I am usually self disciplined and use that and my interval timer (walk/run cycles). Tomorrow I'm going to try something new, a true-tried C25K program (couch to 5k). If followed properly it'll take me from 0-5k in about 8 weeks, running 3 times a week. Have any of you had success with a C25K program?

After 2012 Ottawa Race Weekend 10k

It's year I'm not putting any pressure on myself, I'm not entering a single race/run until I actually am ready.

Tomorrow will be day one of this C25K program!

- thanks for reading!

Location:Ready to Run - 349 Days to Go

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really love the C25K program. I did it last year and for about 6 weeks (but I did week 3, 3 times) Then I too had a foot injury. I could hardly walk. Lucky for me, I work at an orthotics clinic, but it still really took me about 4 months for my foot to feel 100%.

I haven't gotten back to the C25K yet, but plan to in May when I am fully healed from surgery.

I never thought I would be a runner either, but I truly did love it!